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CCMP94-RD-033 探討紫雲膏中西藥併用之交互作用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-05-26
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


本研究為中西藥併用(交互作用)之研究。基於創傷(燒傷)為國人最常見之臨床重症,入膏肓者有感染致死之疑慮。又,西藥雖可治感染之標,卻難收癒合之效。故以中西藥併用之策,期能提高醫療品質造福國人,發揚國粹於世。 計畫擬以本實驗室近年所建立之創傷動模式進行探討紫雲膏與Flamazine, 奈米金屬(銀、鋅)等西藥併用之交互作用。 其研究目標如下:1.探討紫雲膏與Flamazine併用之配伍安定性,以建立爾後創傷臨床之中西藥併用之參考依據。2.建立糖尿病動物模式以評估紫雲膏與Flamazine, 奈米金屬(銀、鋅)等交互作用其機制探討。配伍安定性之研究方法為將紫雲膏與Flamazine, 奈米金屬(銀、鋅)等分別依不同劑量比率(範圍: 0~1)或含量百分比率相混合,製備配伍安定性實驗組與對照組於冷處4℃與室溫25℃,進行為期30天之物理安定性實驗。 Flamazine, 奈米金屬(銀、鋅)之安定性指示分析方法主要為測定黏度與酸鹼度變化, 針對其西藥有效成分進行物化分析, 並輔以體外抑菌環試驗進行抗菌測試。 經由上述方法選用具顯著安定作用, 或抑菌作用, 或有顯著交互作用之實驗組分析其可能機轉進行評估。 紫雲膏與西藥併用之研究方法為將紫雲膏與Flamazine, 奈米金屬(銀、鋅)等製 劑單獨各組或與選用具增進療效3組(挑選自顯著安定作用或抑菌作用之實驗組)與選用具交互作用3組,分別進行糖尿病動物模式評估。以創傷面積百分率與病理組織切片進行創傷療效評估30天。本研究將有助於建立紫雲膏與Flamazine, 併用之配伍安定性資料,以建立爾後創傷臨床之中西藥併用之參考。

The study of drug interaction between Lithospermum ointment and wound agents

AR Lee, (DP Wang)
School of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center, National Defense University
The present study is focus on the effect of drug interaction between Lithospermum ointment (LO) and wounded drugs. Base on clinical, wound (burn) is a frequent disorder occur in Taiwan and all over the word. Although antibiotics play a key role in the treatment of infectious disease, however, the need for wound healing is necessary. To elevate health care level, we attempt to map out a strategy that synthezied LO and intresting drugs to improve wound healing. The purpose of this study is to investigate drug interaction between LO and wounded drugs that include Flamazine (FMZ), nanonized silver (NS) and zinc (NZ). The experimental desin include deterimine parameters of physicochemical stability and the drug interaction of LO on wounded drugs above. The methodology is dispenses LO and wounded drugs, which is base on the percentage of the dose or weight that loading within each of the mixture of LO and wound drug. The stability condition are control in the range from 4 to 25 degree for experimental groups and control for a period of 30 days. The stability-indicating method for the mixtures of LO-wounded drug is to determine pH, viscosity and other parameters, respectively.
關鍵字:Lithospermum ointment;nanonized silver and zinc;wound